is a site where students, teachers, journalists, or anyone else needing to verify that their content is original can perform free plagiarism scans. This site was started by two Ukrainian computer science students who created a duplicate content/plagiarism detection algorithm for their final university project. It was so popular amongst students and professors that they decided to develop it into a fully-working website that advertises itself as a cheaper TurnItIn alternative. PlagTracker ensures that students and writers are maintaining academic and professional integrity. Additionally, it also helps students to avoid accidental plagiarism, which can carry just as many repercussions as intentional plagiarism.
To check a paper for plagiarism, all you have to do is to copy-paste your text into their text box and click “Start Checking.” In a matter of moments, your paper will appear with all problematic areas highlighted and plagiarism percentages indicated.
PlagTracker is a free service that anyone can use to ensure that their papers are 100% original. If you want to use it more regularly, an affordable premium subscription might be beneficial. They also have a Teacher’s Account where teachers can have their students upload their papers so they can be checked for source as well as group plagiarism.
Contacting PlagTracker is always very easy. A chat window will instantly appear should you have any questions. There is also an additional contact form where you can leave your name, email, and comment or question for one of their customer service representatives to reply to.