

Jul 10

Education and Technology

Are we becoming such an advanced society that traditional uses of education are soon to be forgotten where education and technology are combined? Of course, we will continue to use traditional methods as well, but education and technology are extremely useful. We can learn more, study easier, and research doesn’t have to be a long reading process sitting in the library all day taking notes. Do you remember going to the library looking through the card catalog with the Dewey Decimal System? This is what I was referring to. With this useful information amongst other reasons, education and technology should exist in all schools across the country.

Technology in Schools

Technology in schools consists of technologies such as computers, smart boards, PowerPoint, audio reading and listening. More advanced technology will be at schools such as technical, vocational, and career academy schools. Technology in schools increases every year and teachers must become aware of any new technology and how to use it within a very short period of time. However, there are still plenty of schools with little or no technology and they need to catch up. These schools also need help with finance. Many times there will be computers and other technology out of use and can easily be donated to schools in need. But, this is rare because those who do not need the donations are usually the schools that get them.

Using Technology in the Classroom

Using technology in the classroom is vital to students’ education, but also vital to a teacher keeping his job. The teacher has to create and invent new ways of using technology in the classroom. A few ideas:

1. A Language Arts teacher could ask students to bring in CD’s of their favorite songs. While listening to these songs, the students can identify problems with grammar, especially with Rap Music, and correct them.

2. The same idea can work with cell phones as students always love to find a way to use cell phones while hiding them from teachers. The teacher can have students correct their grammar within their own texting to other students. Anyone can piggyback off this idea.

3. To learn to use search engines better, a teacher can create a type of trivia quiz and have students get on a computer. If a student does not know an answer to the question, each student attempts to search for an answer within the specified time limit. This usually works best with teams.

Educational Technology

Educational technology just makes it easier for students to learn and makes teachers excel to a higher level than teaching the same thing year after year. Education needs to change for the better and it does with educational technology. However, one of the problems is that many teachers do not attempt to teach technology and this is unknown until students are tested. Educational technology needs to now be a main focus in the classroom as many colleges have advanced and younger students need to be prepared.

Contributors Bio

Contributor photo Lona Glenn
Los Angeles
Lona graduated from Los Angeles City College. While being a lecturer in several high school institutions Lona founded an online educational project Tutorsclass.Read more
Contributor photo Maria Castle
Davis, CA
I studied education and currently work as a tutor for school-age children. I've worked as a volunteer in many different international social projects and as a camp counselor every summer.Read more

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