Changing family values in America
What is the cause of the shift in family values in America? Why are other countries not evolving their family values in the same way that American families are? Is there something pushing family values into a more liberal framework?
Introduction and/or background
I believe that family values have taken a shift in the left direction as people become slightly more liberal about things that were previously seen as wrong. There are reasons why family values are changing as I do not believe it is part of naturally occurring family evolution otherwise we would see a similar situation in other countries. Family values do change in other countries too, and the way they are changing in America differs to the way they are changing in other countries.
Research question
What is the cause of the shift in family values in America? Why are other countries not evolving their family values in the same way that American families are? Is there something pushing family values into a more liberal framework?
Literature review
• Public Opinion on the Family from the libraryindex.com.
This will give me a good idea on what values exist at the moment and will help me determine what has changed and what is changing.
• Jesus and Justice: Evangelicals, Race, and American Politics from the Yale University Press.
I believe religion plays a part in family values and I think that there are enough Christians in America to make a difference on family values.
• Family Values in a Historical Perspective from the Tanner Lectures on Human Values
I believe it will be a good idea to dig into the history of family values to find out if this sort of thing has happened before.
I will use research methods involving reading journals, books and statistical websites in order to gain the information I need to answer my questions and reach my conclusions.
Research design and method
Over six months I will conduct research with a team of specialists that are going to go over the research and tests done in a correct and fair manner. I believe that doing this is better than running my own tests because my small budget would make me unable to cover enough people to get an accurate view.
I shall only include research from true and tested resources that are respected by the academic community.
Communicating the results
The results will be in the form of processed data that has been analyzed and evaluated. The core of my work lies first in the analysis and then in the conclusion whereupon the readers may find the answers to my research questions.
Significance of Research
I believe that through studying the research done already that it is possible to see what is causing the shift in current family values, and maybe even understand why such a shift is not happening in the same way in other countries.
2 weeks pre planning, team building and training
5 months researching
2 weeks processing the results and writing
In order to complete my task I will need the help of other researchers that can accurately consider sources and rule them out correctly. I also need people that can process information so that analysis and evaluation does not become a mammoth task. For the six-month period, I will require $77,250.
Bennett, William J. (1997). The Book of Virtues for Young People
Ash The Great (2015) Research methodologies
Denise Pickles Bunnies (2013) Building a successful research paper