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Mother Love

Behind everything you do is always your mother’s love, because her love is forever. Her love for the child is an opening into another kind of pure relationship that starts from the day she conceives, and it grows over the years and lasts till the end.

The Mother’s love starts when a baby looks like a peanut. That is true. From the first picture taken in a clinical lab and the child appeared as nothing more than a blip on the ultrasound monitor.

Tears of joy may stream down her delicate and pale face, and she declared it to be the most beautiful sight she had ever seen. The next nine months are a blur because the baby had to focus on surviving while being cushioned in the loving embrace of its mother. Love is pain – that is true because biologically, the child is nothing more than a parasite that feeds on the life and blood of its mother.

Some people might say that their real love is their spouse or their first-born or their very own first car or their dog, and they all have their reasons for it. However, these loves grow from what love your mother showed you first in life. It is a trend these days to make slight of pure emotions and heartfelt gestures because this era is all about angst-ridden, oversexed and dramatic love that sometimes borders on abuse and erotica. For a mother’s love, love is about purity – unconditional and independent. It is a beautiful feeling, which manifests itself in different forms all through life.

So this lady that a child first fell in love with goes from having jet-black hair to silver threads lined in between. She would spin the thick mass in a braid, and the baby will pull and play with it as the mother cradles the child in her lap and rocks it to sleep. Every little detail about her fascinates the little child. Her soft skin that feels warm while her eyes are a rich brown color. Her earlobe is the child’s favorite play toy every time she would carry it around the house in her arms. Often a child would tug at the gold chain around her neck and twist tiny fingers in her hair. Just touching her felt like being at home. Some babies are terrified of everything and her soothing touch chases away every monster under the bed and the nightmares in the closet.

They say life happens as you grow up. What started out as a pure relationship soon gets stained with the information, the racket and the hassle of this world. New friends, better ways to pass time, never-ending curiosity and the twisted ways in which the brain begins to think are some of the reasons why the fabric of love sewn over age begins to fray around the edges. The child grows into a young adult while the mother becomes old, but the love between them always remains ageless and unchanged.

Contributors Bio

Contributor photo Lona Glenn
Los Angeles
Lona graduated from Los Angeles City College. While being a lecturer in several high school institutions Lona founded an online educational project Tutorsclass.Read more
Contributor photo Maria Castle
Davis, CA
I studied education and currently work as a tutor for school-age children. I've worked as a volunteer in many different international social projects and as a camp counselor every summer.Read more

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